Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Revisiting The Postal Service or Hot Damn! I love Pandora!

Hi!  How are you?

Things are pretty tame around here. T... A... M... Zzz...oh!... E. I've been so responsible lately. Parental. A model employee, even. Gah. My husband's time to shine is coming soon, and it is very hard for this card-carrying narcissist to share the spotlight of The ME Show. Adrenaline used to be my drug of choice, and lately I'm about as much fun as an SAT proctor and a tax auditor comparing support hose.

adrenaline junkie: (from urbandictionary.com)

Someone who gets high on adrenaline and possibly addicted to it. They usually supplement this addiction by doing activities that give them adrenaline rushes such as shoplifting, gambling, skydiving, stock market trading and possibly fighting.
        Guy skydiving: "Oh my god this f****** awsome."
Observer: "Wow look at that adrenaline junkie, he just can't get enough of it can he."

What can I do to cause TROUBLE????
Remember how I used to be, people? No, don't try to remember. It will only hurt.

The good news is that I have created THE PERFECT PANDORA STATION and it has been giving me an eargasm all night long. Do you know pandora? You pick out music that you like, and then it mixes it up with other songs that the magical machine *thinks* that you will like. So, I like to throw a monkey wrench in, and I tell the magical machine that I like Ani Difranco (duh), White Stripes, Bob Marley, The Cure and Janet Jackson! Take THAT, magical machine! Well, I told it that, and right now it is playing a song that a short-lived boyfriend used to croon into my ear as I fell asleep in his sweaty twin bed. Oh, swoon! How did the magical machine know that? He knew all the words to songs that he liked. I had forgotten that I liked anything about him.

Here is the extensive list of things that I liked about him, unabridged and in entirety:

Beginning of list
1. He thought I was cool when I was at the very bottom of my suicidal pit of despair.
2. He worked at my favorite independent movie theater.
3. He sang me this song when I was falling asleep.
End of list

Here is the song:

Maybe something will happen tomorrow.


  1. Is it just ME or are you much happier these past few days?....Your blogs are full of fun and life and laughter......thanks for sharing the good times...

  2. I friggin LOVE the postal service.


In my hideout, I don't reveal my identity. If you know me, help me keep my secret.