Monday, June 7, 2010

The Big Deep

A Woodstock, NY celebrity, photo respectfully stolen from the web
        Every time I sit down at the computer to blog I feel like I am stealing time from responsibilities I have to handle. I went away for the weekend, and wrote down what had to be done for the pets and the plants, and that alone was three pages. The Older has Official Campbell's Soup tomato seeds growing on the widowsill and my topsy turvy cucumbers are growing like gangbusters, people! The hospice-donated flowers are going against their origins and LIVING. June is bustin' out all over.

        I woke up in the morning with my nose stuck into the nape of my husband's neck. I can not explain how much our relationship is healed by sharing the same bed. I'm not talking about sex. I'm talking about sleeping, in the same bed, at the same time. Sure, he is only there for four hour stretches, but I'll take what I can get. He is so happy right now, preparing for his big show. Sometimes I think the anticipation is even sweeter than the event. Right now, before it has happened, the upcoming show is *perfect*.

       Life is beautiful, and coming at me very fast. One school project is finished, and another is soon due. One laundry load is finished, and another is begun. One work day is finished, and another soon follows. I have been away for the past two weekends, and feeling like a jetsetter all of a sudden.

       My brother and his family visited my parents from Florida, and I finally got to spend some time with my super-amazing nephew. My only complaint is that they treat the mini-human like a Ming vase. We made short work of that, rolling him in the dirt. We took him swimming in a wild swimming hole, in the cold rain, much to his delight. The swimming hole was like a private fairyland, even the adults had to swim in the rain. Sitting on a blanket, blue from the cold, peanut butter sandwich in hand, he yells out,"I LOVE PICNICS LIKE THIS!!!!" Stick with us, kid. He's only four. He's totally delicious.

          We went on a day trip to Woodstock, New York. I was tickled by how much my little daughter loved that place. "There are so many beautiful dresses!" The sun came out and everything was tie-dyed and psychedelic. I wondered into a little spiritual bookstore, and I bought a book of pagan prayers. The woman asked me if I was on her mailing list, and when I said,"No," she told me I looked like a local. I was sincerely flattered. I kept thinking of my husband, but he couldn't  come with us. His work is mostly nights and weekends. Still, having a relationship like ours lets you never take your time together for granted. I definitely prefer it to being joined at the hip. Again, anticipation is good.

Here is a song I like for you:

I am reading: A Book Of Pagan Prayer

I am avoiding: laundry, dishes, personal finances, exercise, multiple promised web design projects, etc.

I am praying: for the little one's AMAZING teacher's contract to be renewed

I am grateful: for still being Punky Brewster on the inside.
love and light,
your friend,


  1. I've never been to Woodstock, which I suppose is a shame since I actually do live in upstate NY... ahh well, I suppose I'm not really the Woodstock-type anyway;-)

  2. Another blog filled with things I wish I did.....enjoy it all over again just for me please.

  3. NAM, I think you are great. Your nephew probably thinks that you are the REAL fairy godmother.

  4. And where did you get Official Campbell Soup tomato seeds? I thought they were carefully guarded. Even the tiny little things in your life are interesting -- like tomato seeds.

  5. Hugs to you and your scrummy husband and darling girls. Sorry I've been away with the fairies - BACK NOW!!! Love you. Want to go to Woodstock. xoxox


In my hideout, I don't reveal my identity. If you know me, help me keep my secret.