Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Under Construction

Wow! Super audience participation! Thank you for all of the lovely comments, people! I haven't responded because I have been in hog heaven, knee deep in the beta-template designer on Blogger. Holy, Granola Bars, Batman! This thing is very intuitive and easy. Run away from Diaryland! Run away!

I've been playing with several template ideas since the kids went to sleep. Just because it looks like this tonight doesn't mean it is a finished product. It is kind of like looking at my lego creation...and I'm still building! This tool is so easy to play with, I may have a new design for every day of the week!

I am so spoiled. I came home from a work in a very negative mood, like I usually do, and both of my girls made me pictures that say "I love you" and "you are the best mom" and my man even brought me Ben and Jerry's, served to me in the bubble bath. (((sigh))) (((perfect))))

I have a little thing about losing my keys. I think there is a problem in my brain. Actually, I'm quite sure of it. Tonight my little one looked at a picture of Alicia Keys on the cover of a magazine and said,"Is that Alicia Keys? Her last name is Keys? Does that mean if you went shopping with her, you would lose her?"


I didn't share my icecream with her.

I hope you evening was lovely, too!

Love and Light,
Your Friend,


  1. Hey baby - can't believe I missed all these posts! I LOVE the pic of yr husband asleep - without wishing to sound like a dirty old woman. Oops, too late, never mind. I know you're not into the money, but I would seriously love to pay you to make me a better website. I've wanted to ask you for ages, but thought you were too busy, but now you've said you love tinkering... Big love and hugs to you all from far far away, across oceans and mountains and time zones... Anna xx

  2. Ahhn-na, lovely to see you! I would love to make you a blog template, but I am only an amateur. I'm just messing around with things. It works differently for each host, and I know even less about diaryland. What do you think about moving to blogger?

    If you love diaryland, and don't want to move, I will still definitely try to hook you up! Do you have any colors or ideas that you like?

    xoxoxo Mountain

  3. Your little one has developed quite a sense of humor....and so quick on the come-back retort too.

  4. Erica Bateman UbaghsMarch 30, 2010 at 7:38 PM

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  5. Erica Bateman Ubaghs said...

    I am not lucky enough to have two adorable girls, but I do have a husband and he has NEVER brought me Ben and Jerry's ever. Maybe your husband can start a blog and I can send my husband the link and he can get some clues on how to be cool.

    Hugs and Love,

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.


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