First of all, I got this huge gigantic tax return. I don't understand how this government works, but they decided to send me enough money to buy a small country. I took the money, and started paying off debts, and buying dainty extras like canola oil and cream cheese, and shoes for the children, and then *poof* all of that glorious money was all gone before I even got a chance to roll around naked in a big pile of one dollar bills. Shame.
My husband bought me a dress. That was exciting.
I really believe in The Secret, lately, because I got this job taking complaint phone calls for a huge multinational corporation, and then I mourned and keened and wailed because I couldn't be creative or treehugging. Then, *poof* (there is that *poof* again) they gave me every opportunity they had to be creative and treehugging by putting me on a committee of Sustainability and Corporate Responsibility. So, this committee and I got to do all of this great stuff- a big earth day party, a big salad buffet (bring your own bowl), flower boxes full of flowers inside the cubicle-y office, freecycling bulletin boards, walking clubs, and ridesharing programs. I got to make a huge earth day bulletin board that said Happy Earth Day out of garbage. It was a miracle. It was just like,You asked for it. You thought it was ridiculous to even ask for it because you didn't know how it could happen. You don't have to know how it is going to happen. It just does.*poof* Creativity and treehugging. There you go. Quit yer bellyaching.
In my mind, the voice of The Divine sounds a lot like Willy Nelson.
The girls are themselves so FULLY right now. I literally spent two days cleaning out their room, moving the furniture around and making it functional. Did you read that right? Two days. That is how long it took to go through all the books and be like,"Did you read this? Is it babyish or do you want it?" That is how long it took to match all of the little doll shoes to the correct doll. To test the markers and keep the ones that weren't dried out. To put all of the doll dishes on the doll table, clean the bunny cage, wash the windows and throw out many, many curiosities beyond description.
Tonight, after dinner, we took a walk together and the Elder taught us how to make a whistle out of the top of an acorn. Sweet Sunday! How did I live to be so old without learning this before!? We annoyed all of the neighbors heartily with acorn whistling and intellectual discussions about Jaime Oliver and The Food Revolution.
Here are some recent quotes-
What did Paul Revere say to the Orthodontist?
The Braces are coming! The Braces are coming!
Haha! Good one. Wait, do you know who Paul Revere was?
What did he really say?
The Redsox are coming! The Redsox are coming!
-The Little One
I don't like being called a pedestrian. A pedestrian sounds to me like a big, ugly cockroach from Jamaica.
-The Older One
Love and light
your friend,