Monday, November 16, 2009


Dear Old People,

Old people irritate me. I know, I'm going to hell, but I want to address some specific issues with you "Goldie Oldies" directly.

Say that you are 135 years old, and you know that you are deaf. I know you know that you are deaf! Don't act like you don't know! You get the indication that you might be deaf when you have to say,"WHAT!?" every time someone speaks to you. Not sometimes. Every time. If this is your situation, Do Not Call Me On The Phone. It's ok to be deaf. I embrace your different-ness. It is time to step out of denial. You don't even have to go so far as to get Miracle Ear. WRITE ME A LETTER. Do not ever call me on the phone again if you cannot hear a truck load of elephants smashing into a glass factory.

Speaking of correspondence, don't act horrified if I ask if you have an email address. I have to ask. It's my job. I find it pretty funny too. I know you don't have email, but please don't act like you don't know what email is. Don't explain to me the reasons that you don't have email. Don't tell me who in you family has email, even though you don't. Don't tell me that you have never have had and never will have email, and that you feel that you are discriminated against because coupons are available on the internet. Your argument doesn't hold water. Sorry that you are old.

As a concession, I give you permission to continue making fun of my name. It cracks me up every time some person born around the time of Christ says,"What? WHAT!? Are you kidding me? That's your name? REALLY?! Your mother NAMED you THAT?" I laugh especially hard when you say,"What ethnicity ARE you?" and then, "Well, ok..." like you've just given me permission to have my name. Go to town. I won't name my kid Lois, so we are even.

The Management


  1. lois is an awesome name. don't hate.

    (and i am totally imagining all the funny calls you got to give rise to that post...:) )

  2. hahahahaha!!! Anna xxx

  3. Listen (no pun intended) I feel your pain about the name can't imagine the "funnies" I get about my last name..... euuw!

    You are probably the only bright spot in some of those golden oldies' day anyway.

  4. I fell down on the floor reading this post. They just keep calling you, don't they? Somewhere in Florida at a very large senior citizen center, there is a posting on the bathroom walls with your work number!

  5. I know that I should tsk tsk tsk and shake my head disapprovingly over this post, but... well I guess I am secretly a mean person, cuz this made me laugh so hard I snorted (and in quite an embarrassing manner too.)


In my hideout, I don't reveal my identity. If you know me, help me keep my secret.